Choose the appropriate class of concrete step by step based on the type of construction, the load and he external contidions. The classes shown are recommended. The actual classes should be specified in an a blue-print that defines the conditions for operation.
Exposed concrete, неармиран, unreinforced without corrosion or aggressive action
Reinforced concrete industrial floor, exposed to mechanical load (abrasion/wearing)
XM (XM1, XM2, XM3)
Reinforced foundation, exposed to the influence of rain and ground waters
Outside wall, exposed to rain and contamination
XC4, XF2 (XA1), XF1
Concrete floor, in a chemically aggressive environment
XA (XA1, XA2, XA3)
Zone (ramp), with traffic of heavy machinery and mechanical load
XD3, XM2, XF4
Zone (parking), exposed directly to aerosols, containing unfreezing substances and mildly aggressive chemical environment
XF4 (XD3), XM1 (XA2)
Supporting wallSupporting wall with a direct contact with water and contamination. Weakly aggressive chemical environment
XC4, XF3 (XA1)
Deep foundation concrete piles exposed to the influence of ground water and chemically weak aggressive environment
XC2, XA1, XS (XS1, XS2, XS3)
Foundation (Base) exposed to the influence of ground water and rain water
XC2, XA1 (XF1)
Vertical column (bridge abutment) exposed to the influence of ground waters and aerosols with unfreezing substances
XC4, XF2, XD3 (XS3)
Peak construction exposed to water and chlorides, available in the air
XC4, XF2, XD3 (XS3)
Socle in contact with water and influence of salts, containing chlorides
XC4, XD3, XF4, XS3
Path exposed to the influence of salts, containing chlorides, cyclic wetting/drying unfreezing substances and freezing. Mechanical wearing
XC4, XM1, XD3, XF4
Unreinforced ground with floor of concrete under concrete and rubble base with mild chemical wear, exposed to the action of unfreezing substances
XC4, XM1, XD3, XF4
Gravitational supporting wall exposed to the action of industrial waters, containing chlorides and aerosols with unfreezing substances
XC4, XD2, XF2 (XA1)
Bearing outside wall, exposed to rain and freezing
XC4, XF1
Cover concrete slab, with discharge for rain waters and cyclic unfreezing and freezing
XC4, XF1
Foundation (base) without danger of freezing, without corrosion or aggressive activity
XC1 (XC2)
Concrete slab exposed to the influence of humidity and ground waters, without danger of freezing
XC2 (XC1)
Reinforced wall or beam in the inside of the building with low humidity in the air
Reinforced foundation, exposed to the influence of rain and ground waters
XC2 (XC1)
Retaining wall of basement, exposed to rain and ground waters in weakly aggressive chemical environment
XC4, XF1 (XA1)
Bed of pool, exposed to the effects of waters, containing chlorides
Inside slabwith low air humidity
XC1 (XC2)
Outdoor flooring, parkingrain and contamination
Concrete flooring around a pool. Horizontal concrete surfaces, exposed to rain and contamination